Monday, November 17, 2008

it was the worst of times, it was the best of times...

I know. You're thinking that I'm incorrectly quoting Dickens. It's true. BUT, I'm quoting it incorrectly because of how Friday played out.

True story: I woke up at a pretty good hour. When I wake up too early, I sometimes roll over and go back to sleep. Friday was not one of those days. I woke up when my body was rested. The problem was, I didn't have any desire to get out of bed. Why? At the time, I didn't know...what...lie...ahead.

10:00 a.m. Holly, Tammy, Karla and Bonnie had singing practice. No problem. I had Holly drive me down since my car needs repair and we sang to our hearts' content. The day was going...well. Other than the fact that it's supposed to be a "singing" group and I don't end up singing very often.

12:00 p.m. Holly brought me home from singing practice. I got inside my car to bring in my gear from the night before. Holly asked me if I wanted my guitar at my house or if she should take it with her. I said she could leave it here if she wanted. I headed inside the house. My dad asked, "Where's the wild bunch going?" So, I turned to check if Holly and crew were coming inside. I looked through the window just in time to see Holly backing out and my guitar falling down by the side of the car. I think I gasped. I know I must've had a terrible look on my face as I watched her back right over my guitar.

Bonnie: "She just ran over my guitar!" she said as she fled from the house.
Mom: "She just ran over your car?"

Maybe I should learn to talk without mumbling....ya think?
Well, needless to was a very sad day for Bonnie.

You can see the tire marks if you look really closely

It looked like it didn't get hurt, but upon further inspection...well, it's smashed pretty good.

Almost exactly 12 hours later, though, Bonnie's spirits had lifted enormously. Our volleyball team, The Chevelles, took first place in the Juab Rec Volleyball Tournament. We were awarded with hoodies and praise. Well, not so much praise, but at least I had a jacket to keep me warm on the way home, eh?

The Chevelles:
Jenny Bailey, Emily Lovell, Chavonne Bailey, Bonnie Bailey, Lauren Nielson, Nikki Grider
Felicia Thomson, Holly Oldroyd


Monsen3 said...

Hey I found your blog so I added you I hope that is okay. Come and check my blog out and add me if you want.
I would make Holly buy me a new guitar

Chavonne said...

What a long day. Hope everything works out getting a new guitar.

Heather said...

Ohhhh, and OHHHH! Sorry about the range of emotions, but at least it ended on a high. And hoodies?! I'm pretty jealous.

Jenilee said...

What a sad day for the guitar, but what a way to end the day. Congrats. Good luck with the guitar.

Tori said...

It was sooooo sad to hear about your guitar but then on the other hand it was so funny to read your explanation of it all. You are truly one of the funniest people I know.